Friday, February 28, 2014

changing our plan :(

We changed the 20% time project plan because it’s very hard to me. I changed some parts of my plan. When I started this project I plan to make 6 shade pictures but it’s hard so we decided to make 3 shade pictures and take any pictures that we wants. We will make 3 shade pictures: heart, JH cross letters and the Korean national flag. We also take changing of sky. It will be a very nice picture. I want to take America views. It is very differ from Korea view so I want to express that through my camera.

Our heart shade picture is composed of red objects, not our arms. Other shade pictures will follow originally our plan. I’m sorry about changing our plan.

Have a good day~

Monday, February 24, 2014

4th blog

I want to post my heart shape project on this fourth blog poster but I can’t do that. I’m very sorry about that.  I thought to make heart shape with pictures is easy but it’s too hard. Brenda and I keep taking pictures for this heart shape but we don’t know about how to edit these pictures. Of course, we searched about this but we can’t find good data. In the Korea, we make heart shape with app. It’s very easy but we can use that app so we finding the way that we can make heart shape.  I’m thinking many ways to make heart shape but I’m not sure. I hope these ideas give a good result.

I want to make a beautiful picture so I am doing my best. I am expecting about my result. I hope to show my heart shape pictures next blog poster. Have a great day~

Monday, February 17, 2014

Auburn's sky

We didn't finish heart picture so I took Auburn's sky. When I saw the sky in Korea I felt stuffy because Korea sky is blocked by high buildings but Auburn’s sky is open view. It makes me feel better.
When I didn’t know well about camera I’m disappointed because I can’t take a picture that as much as I saw but now, I’m amazing the world that in the camera angle. It is different to see through my eyes and camera angle. It looks like to unfold a new world.

I didn't remember the exact place that I took pictures. I think I took these pictures when I was going to mart.
 I like this picture because this sky shape and color is very good.
 I can find tall trees easily in Auburn. This tall tree is making a beautiful picture. 

This is beautiful sunset. I like Auburn’s sunset. That color is attracting me. 
I love Auburn's view.

I hope your feel better to see these pictures. Good night~

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My plan

I planned 20% project in detail with Brenda on Friday (2/7). We will take and make 6 pictures: heart, camera, JH cross, the national flag of Korea, changing of sky, food. We will take Auburn’s view too. We will start this project with heart picture. We make heart with our arms and objects that colored red. Our arms will be shape of heart and red objects will be background. We make camera with our camera pictures. We take a our camera and give dark effect. This effect will be shape of camera. We make letters of JH cross with our picture and foot picture. We make a Korean flag with pictures that relative in Korea. For example, Korean food, house, view and person (athletes, singer etc .) Changing of sky is most anticipated picture. We will take the sky in same time but different places. I think this picture will be very nice. Finally, we take foods that we made. This picture will make you hungry. I hope to take good pictures. Thank you for reading this writing. 
Good night~